Evil Thoughts cover

Evil Thoughts


Listening to metal is a necessarily overwhelming experience, even for those already numb to its force. The genre operates on the twin pleasures of awe and horror, which – if mixed properly– make rage sound like triumph and angst like heroics. In both sound and occult trappings, Evil Thoughts seems to have as much in common with the hoary old gods of doom metal as they do of the newer models found in their Norweigan, Teutonic, or American counterparts, but in this first full-length from the Brazilian all-female death/thrash metal band, the team luxuriates in the paradigm that metal has always upheld—badness can be goodness, and chaos can code as beauty. It’s easy to see why they so comfortably live in this realm of inversions: it’s rebellion at its most elemental.

Mina Tavakoli