Unlimited Edition cover

Unlimited Edition



Issued as thirteen tracks by United Artists in 1974, Virgin reissued it in 1976 with six more tracks and made the first of several great lost Can LPs. Constructed from studio leftovers as old as 1968, this collection is a wilder companion to Soundtracks, with Damo and Malcolm splitting the microphone duties. It is more Mooney’s gig here as three tracks place him close to the top: “Mother Upduff,” a long tale like the Velvet Underground’s “The Gift,” “The Empress and The Ukraine King,” a proto-rap freestyle, and “Connection,” a rock tune proving Mooney could have held his own with Daltrey and Davies any day. “Cutaway” is a beautiful bolshy bugout, and the rest of the album is filled with Ethnological Forgery Series entries, which make all the sense in the world here.

Sasha Frere-Jones

Zeit cover


Tangerine Dream
Viva cover


La Düsseldorf
Flink cover


Air Cushion Finish
D’agala cover


Sylvie Courvoisier
As Is cover

As Is

Michael J. Blood
Occam XXV cover

Occam XXV

Frédéric Blondy