Untourable Album
The fourth studio album from Montreal’s Men I Trust is something that feels like a soft, warm breeze on a summer night. Called Untourable Album because it was recorded and released during the pandemic, the 37-minute, 13-song record can be swallowed whole in one go, but it also seems to resonate more after multiple listens. Emmanuelle Proulx’s vocals can only really be described as dreamy, and songs, or, more accurately, grooves, like “Sugar” seem to linger around long after you’ve stopped listening. There’s definitely something here that will appeal to folks who like things 1970s-style smooth (see “Always Lone” for details), but the throb of “Lifelong Song” and eeriness of “Serenade of Water” demonstrate that even the softness, there’s still a bit of edge and more than enough interest to lead you into Men I Trust’s back catalogue alongside this album.