

Autocannibalism doubles down on the intensity of previous Aints albums, SLSQ and Ascension. There’s something particularly furious about Kuepper’s guitar on much of this album, and songs like “You Can’t Please Everybody” and “Red Aces” feel relentless in their pursuit of an accelerated form of rock music – even more than the Laughing Clowns, this is where Kuepper comes closer to the ecstatic eternal at the heart of free jazz. The very best thing on the album, though – and indeed, that The Aints ever did – is the ten-minute mantra of “Linda & Abilene”, where Kuepper and co. grind one simple two-note riff into the dirt, while Kuepper’s guitar unleashes waves of metallic drone. It’s perhaps his single most exhilarating performance, in a career that’s not exactly short on them.

Jon Dale