Ekundayo Inversions cover

Ekundayo Inversions


A superb hybrid project from El Michels Affair in tandem with vocalist Liam Bailey, where the funk band turn to their hand to reggae and play their soul licks through a dub filter, which makes for a thick, funky, head-nodding musical cross-pollination. It’s a re-working of Bailye’s Ekundayo album from 2020, and El Michels Affair also released a superb instrumental album version of this rework too. The whole thing has a live, organic, raw and gritty feel to it: the delay fx sound live, the keys are overdriven and the reverb sounds dusty. There’s straight-up reggae, funk-dub, R’n’B and reggae-soul, Ekundayo Inversions existing in its own little blended musical sweet spot. Features guest appearances from Lee Scratch Perry and Black Thought from The Roots. 

Harold Heath
