Execration That Accept to Acknowledge cover

Execration That Accept to Acknowledge


The first Haino album to appear on a US label, this is a solid 42-minute slab of highly electric guitar and pained vocals (sometimes an unearthly shriek, sometimes a mournful moan). It begins with a few gentle chiming strums across the strings, as though he’s drawing your attention to the fact that something is about to happen, and then… the guitar is a storm of sound, sometimes bursting forth like static from a power cable or like someone cutting through a metal garage door with a pavement saw, and other times roaring like a tornado bearing down on a trailer park. Haino grunts and roars as though each new burst of noise is causing him physical pain, but the kind of pain that leads to transcendence. Play this album loud enough and you, too, may emerge from your physical shell renewed and glowing.

Phil Freeman

Conversations cover


Kahil El'Zabar's Ritual Trio, Archie Shepp
The Circle Of Time cover

The Circle Of Time

Amina Claudine Myers Trio
The Swiftest Traveler (Live) cover

The Swiftest Traveler (Live)

Barry Guy, Torben Snekkestad, Agustí Fernandez
Vade Mecum cover

Vade Mecum

Bill Dixon
Now! cover


Other Dimensions In Music
Sound cover


Roscoe Mitchell Sextet
Continuation cover


Imikuzushi cover


Keiji Haino, Oren Ambarchi, Jim O'Rourke
Plays Duke Ellington cover

Plays Duke Ellington

World Saxophone Quartet