I Wonder What She's Doing Tonite?


Bobby Hart’s memoir was titled Psychedelic Bubble Gum, which tidily sums up the best things about his co-written songs for the Monkees. On I Wonder What She’s Doing Tonight?, he and Tommy Boyce essayed their second take on their signature sound, a light, sweet-tasting pop that points, at times, back to the gentler end of folk-rock, while embracing the elegance of pop at its most eloquent, and bubblegum at its sweetest. And the psychedelia? Well, those sitars that introduce “Love Every Day” gesture toward the intersection of Indian classical music and psychedelic pop that invigorated the late sixties counter-culture, I guess. It depends on how wide your purview is, when it comes to psychedelia, but there’s certainly something gently trippy about Boyce & Hart’s admixture of folk and sunshine pop, at its best.

Jon Dale