In Faxfleet Clouds Uplifted Autumn Gave Passage To Kind Nature
Faxfleet is a tiny hamlet in Yorkshire, on the Humber estuary, about half an hour’s drive from Andrew Chalk’s home in Hull. A barely inhabited outpost, on the waters, possessing a kind of ‘ordinary mystery’ – it feels just right for the music of Chalk, not lonely but alone, removed from, yet still somehow of this world. On Faxfleet Clouds…, he returns to his collaboration with Daisuke Suzuki; here, Chalk floats mirage-like tone-banks from keyboards, while plangent bass circles around Suzuki’s clattering percussion and spare field recordings. Surprisingly active, given their previous collaborations have favoured stasis, or incremental movement, Faxfleet Clouds… is a lush dew-scape of dreamology.