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Same Trailer Different Park
It helps to remember the 70s when thinking about Musgraves, not because she ended up embracing the rhinestones and feathered hair, but because country music stars were full pop stars back then. Dolly and Glen were as big as Marvin and Donna in 1977. Musgraves has become one of those stars. Country has always spent real time on telling stories, especially about working class people, no matter what politics outsiders have imposed on the music. Infinitely less right-wing than its detractors think, country itself is a lot like Kacey Musgraves now, open to all comers while still sticking with verses and choruses and concrete details. Her characters here deal with closed minds, addiction, bad jobs, and the merry-go-round of a modest life wrested back from a bad life. STDP is nothing but bangers, one for the ride with all windows down. Come for the solid steel songs, stay for the genuinely empathic vibes.