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Saturnian Bloodstorm
One-man black metal mutant M. made his name performing zero-fidelity one-man black metal. So naturally, now that he’s added “production” to his work, the hardcore fans are mad. So be it. His third full-length (after a bunch of splits and demos) plunges the listener deep into the heart of winter in the best way possible. Sure, it’s an unabashed tribute to Immortal and other frosty second-wavers M. worships, but when it’s done as lovingly as this it’s hard to resist. What he loses in originality he more than makes up for with the sheer quality of tremolo-picked riffs on display. “In Communion with the Wintermoon,” in particular, feeds the Transylvanian hunger quite nicely. A shining display of what makes black metal so damn fun when it’s done right.