The North Borders Tour. — Live. cover

The North Borders Tour. — Live.


This collection, taken from various live performances on Bonobo’s 2014 tour, includes tracks from his Days to Come and Black Sands albums as well as The North Borders, and features a twelve-piece band wth vocalists Szjerdene and Andreya Triana. The Bonobo source material, his already pretty rich and ornate club-derived jazz, broken folk and electronic-soul, benefits from this live reinterpretation: the epic rise and fall of his arrangements is well suited to a band setting and these recordings are full of the subtle variations in volume, tone and tempo and off-the-cuff improvised licks that can only come from this kind of live interaction of musicians. The inclusion of the audience noise also places the music in very specific spaces — large auditoriums and venues — giving it a kind of epic, wide-screen framing that feels very appropriate. 

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