Epic cover

This 2010 collaboration between German musician/composer Ulrich Schnauss and Danish ambient psychedelic musician Jonas Munk could be filed under electronic downtempo synthgaze. Munk provides soft and pensive guitar lines to counter Schnauss’s big, baroque and emoting synthbeds, with tracks like Weightless Memories featuring sensitive guitar arpeggios running across synth pads that gently unfurl and softly pulse. The trick here is sonic layering and overlap, with digital editing, wavetable synthesis, analogue filtering, multiple guitar effects and more all driving the audio parts in and out of discernible, recognisable timbres, the swirl of reverb and echo as much a part of the sound as the original notes. 

Soothing and comforting dreamtronica that generates a sense of scale, depth and wide open spaces, endlessly bright and optimistic even at its most reflective or serious moments.

Harold Heath

Straight Foxin’ cover

Straight Foxin’

Silence In The Secret Garden cover

Silence In The Secret Garden

Dial ‘M’ for Monkey cover

Dial ‘M’ for Monkey

Sabresonic cover


The Sabres of Paradise
LP​.​8 cover


Kelly Lee Owens
A Touch of Cloth cover

A Touch of Cloth

Fila Brazillia
Smokers Delight cover

Smokers Delight

Nightmares on Wax
A New Constellation cover

A New Constellation

Quantic Presents the Western Transient
Statues cover


A Long Way To Fall cover

A Long Way To Fall

Ulrich Schnauss
Foxbase Alpha cover

Foxbase Alpha

Saint Etienne
Underrated Silence cover

Underrated Silence

Ulrich Schnauss, Mark Peters