
Naple’s “musica neomelodica” is a strange beast: a mix of traditional Neapolitan music, europop, and a dash of Latin American music, it’s up there with pizza and arlecchino when it comes to archetypal Neapolitan symbols. The songs often rely on heavily gendered stereotypes — emotionally possessive, borderline criminal men with big cars and women who wait at home pining and cooking — to weave their dramatic, romantic stories. But on their new project Neapolitan non-binary artists Nziria turns these narratives on their head, integrating themes of queerness and fluid identities into this usually so heteronormative genre, and entwining elements of Neapolitan folklore with modern-day tales. Nziria’s voice has all the power and emotion of the traditional Neomelodic stars, but she transforms the usually saccharine Neomelidoc style by bolstering it with trancey atmospheres and gabber -inspired rhythms (like on “Hard Tarantella”). 

Megan Iacobini de Fazio

Tuqoos cover


Khedmat Be Khalq cover

Khedmat Be Khalq

Naujawanan Baidar
Open the Gates cover

Open the Gates

Irreversible Entanglements
Ennanga Vision  cover

Ennanga Vision

Ennanga Vision
Lulanga Tales cover

Lulanga Tales

Nyati Mayi & the Astral Synth Transmitters
Mare Romantico cover

Mare Romantico

Various Artists
Talitakum cover


Avalanche Kaito