Iii cover



Perhaps Annapura’s biggest talent is harnessing the power of punk into small, efficient portions without copping out on the songwriting. This is evident on their third album, a short-running, seven-track affair that manages to cover a lot of musical ground. Opener “Dime” sets the pace for what’s to come, with hardcore drumming turning into blastbeats at the drop of a hat, while “Ener” shows what they can do with the occasional slow tempo. Standout “Perritos” is an amazing display of what this Mexican trio can do.

Marcos Hassan

Tiempos De Austeridad cover

Tiempos De Austeridad

Ratas Del Vaticano
Dead Celebration cover

Dead Celebration

Maniqui Lazer
Gazapo cover


Belafonte Sensacional
Con La Muerte a Tu Lado cover

Con La Muerte a Tu Lado

Generacion Suicida
Fiesta Muda cover

Fiesta Muda

Mujercitas Terror
Golly cover


Destroy cover


Belafonte Sensacional