Tiempos de Austeridad cover

Tiempos de Austeridad


Monterrey, Mexico’s Ratas del Vaticano remains one of the most furious and unique outfits in the history of Latin American punk and this album perfectly captures what made them so special. Armed with slight knowledge of their instruments, rackety production, and plenty of vitriol, the quartet slashes its way through 14 furious songs that show remarkable range. As exemplified by their cover of the Nerves’ “Are You Famous?,” Ratas’ secret weapon is a love for power pop and bubblegum pop that keeps their heart beating even in their most furious passages.

Marcos Hassan

Corridos Pesados cover

Corridos Pesados

Cholula Dans Division
Heavenly Sounds In Lo-Fi Vol. 1 cover

Heavenly Sounds In Lo-Fi Vol. 1

Cholula Dans Division
Espíritu de Libertad cover

Espíritu de Libertad

La Vida Que Todos Envidia cover

La Vida Que Todos Envidia

Los Monjo
XIII cover


Nazareno El Violento
Destroy cover


Belafonte Sensacional
Era del Vacío cover

Era del Vacío

Era Del Vacío
Gazapo cover


Belafonte Sensacional
Con La Muerte a Tu Lado cover

Con La Muerte a Tu Lado

Generacion Suicida
Antimaster cover


Dead Celebration cover

Dead Celebration

Maniqui Lazer
Es una vil mentira que todo va a estar mejor cover

Es una vil mentira que todo va a estar mejor
